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Week Seventeen: October 3rd Update

Brandeston Farm

Definitely Fall

If the date, the weather, and the shorter days didn't convince you, allow the trees to make the case for fall!

Our 2020 CSA Survey

Next week we'll be emailing all of our 2020 CSA members a short survey in order to gather feedback about the season. We're interested to know what you liked, what you didn't like, and whatever other thoughts you may have. This feedback is one of the best tools we have for calibrating our efforts going forward.

Butternut Squash

Another week, another winter squash. This week's shares will include a Butternut Squash. These butternuts were harvested a few weeks ago when the first hard frost of the season hit. They were cut from the vine, brushed clean, and have been curing in a dry, gently lit room since then. Butternuts are typically cured for several weeks after harvest to toughen their skin for longer storage.

This Week's Share

  • Lettuce

  • Pak Choy

  • Tomatoes

  • Bell Peppers

  • Hot Peppers

  • Carrots

  • Spinach

  • Spicy Microgreen Mix (Pea, Radish, Wasabi Mustard)

  • Butternut Squash

Thanks again!


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