Well, it's certainly feeling like fall. Rather than working in shorts and t-shirts, guzzling water, and rejoicing at whatever reprieve a cloud's shade may offer, we're back in pants and long sleeves, and not minding it.
Our tunnels are now closed most of the time or perhaps just open a crack to ventilate and reduce humidity. The tomato and pepper plants remain safe from the cool days and cooler nights, but the plants have slowed in their production. The cooler and shorter days have also slowed our zucchini plants. They're still plugging away and looking good but are not as prolific as earlier in their life.
Cooler temperatures aren't only a mark of decline. Many crops do much better in such mild conditions. Lettuce, spinach, kale, beets, and others are looking and performing decidedly better than a month ago. Cooler temperatures mean less evaporation, so maintaining soil moisture isn't such a battle.
Garden Visitors
This past week we've noticed a few bears around the garden and field. Most recently we saw a big black bear and a small cub following her around. We saw bears earlier in the season but the summer was bear-free.
Looking Ahead: 2021 Season
Looking ahead to the 2021 season, one of our earliest actions has been to place a hefty order for garlic that we'll plant this fall. Garlic will make such a great addition to our CSA program as it's popular, it's delicious, and it stores well. Our plan is to be able to include garlic scapes in our early shares and then fresh bulbs in the fall. Very excited!
In the next few weeks we're going to be sending out a survey to our CSA members. We'd really value and appreciate hearing about what you liked, didn't like, want to see more of, want to see less of, and any other feedback that we can put to use. Stay tuned!
We're also excited to tell you that we're in the process of finalizing a partnership with a friend and farmer just up the road from us. Among other things, he keeps and raises chickens and produces wonderful eggs. We've gotten all of our eggs this season from him and whether it be scrambled eggs or home made quiche, the freshness makes an unmistakable difference, both in flavour and colour. Our intention is for next season's CSA program to have weekly eggs as an option. More on this coming soon!
This Week's Share
Cherry Tomatoes
Bell Peppers
Hot Peppers
... and more!